If you have been paying attention to recent developments in the USA, one issue which may have caught your eye is the growing movement to legalize marijuana. Yes sir, the push is on in many states to legalize both medical and recreational usage. At the time of this post fourteen states have already decriminalized the usage of cannabis, while two states, Colorado and Washington, have outright legalized it.
Maybe this isn’t an issue that would typically pop up on your radar. I know for the most part, depending on your age and/or worldview, you may be unfamiliar with the key arguments touted by the grassroots (pun intended) legalization lobby. I typically work with young people, so this issue tends to pop up in conversation more often than I would probably like. The one consistent argument I have to deal with is the “seemingly” harmless impact of cannabis usage. The old “No One is Getting Hurt” defense is never a satisfying argument in any debate. Thanks to Steven Crowder, who with his usual wit and insight, pokes holes in this, and many other standard arguments used to justify the legalization of marijuana. Check out his video below.
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