Recently during devotions I thought I would ask my children what one must do to be saved. I find that, although we do catechize our children, it is always good to go back and confirm their understanding. Here is how the conversation went:
Me: “So what is required for you to be saved and go to Heaven?”
McAuley: “You must repent and put your faith in Jesus.”
Me: “Good job…”
McAuley: “And read your Bible, do good things and go to church.”
Me: “Well actually that is not true.”
McAuley: “Wait I thought we had to do those things.”
Me: “Yes, you do need to repent and put your faith in Jesus Christ. God also wants us to read His Word, go to church and do good things. However, those things don’t save us. Let me ask you a question. Do you (usually) wash your hands before a meal?”
Everyone: “Yes.”
Me: “Why do you wash your hands? Does it make the food cook faster?”
McAuley: “No.”
Me: “Does it make the food taste better?”
McAuley: “No.”
Me: “Then why do you wash your hands before you eat.”
McAuley: “Because you tell us to.”
Me: “Why should you do it because I tell you to?”
McAuley: “Because you are Dad.”
Zayne: “And we should wash our hands because it is good to do. There are lots of germs on our hands, especially McAuley’s. So washing can help keep us healthy.”
Me: “That’s right. You wash your hands before you eat, not because it cooks the food faster or makes the food taste better, but because I told you to and it’s good for you. In the same way reading the Bible, going to church and doing good things doesn’t make you right with God. We do those things because God tells us to, and it is good for us. We do what He says because He is God, and everything He tells us to do is for our good and His glory.”
Who knew good hygiene would be helpful in explaining theology? Now go wash your hands.